

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

new background, love's around the corner!

added a new background again. the theme is "love is around the corner!"

"/me" is now supported.

cupid2 has been missing for 1 day and when she came only, i have the sudden urge to take a poke at her. then i realized i can implement the irc action command "/me" into the board.

here it is.

/me is now supported just like in IRC.

for example:
/me pokes ahbeng in the eyes...
will come out as
freddie pokes ahbeng in the eyes...

have fun poking each others.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

top spam stats added

i've put up the link "top spammers" on the top of the board to show whose board spammed the most.

new background added.

i've chosen cupid2's piggy for background this time...

any other suggestion?

whatever dude... whatever...